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Planning Board Minutes 2007/10/04

October 4, 2007

PRESENT:  Allan Davis, Vice Chairman
                  Bruce Jennings
                  Philip Porter
                  Derek Tatlock
                  Peter White

STAFF:        Michael Marquise, Town Planner
                     Darlene Morse, Recording Secretary

ABSENT:     Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
                     Emma Smith, Ex-Offico
                     FrederickGallup, Alt. Ex-Officio
                  Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator

The meeting was opened by Vice Chairman Allan Davis at 7:00 PM.

The minutes of the Sept. 6 meeting were reviewed.  Motion made by Derek Tatlock to accept the minutes as corrected.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


1.      Map 133, Lot 25 – LSPA (Sandra Rowse) Knowlton House, 63 Main St., Site Plan Review.

June Fitcher presented for the Lake Sunapee Protection Association.  She stated that they have recently purchased the property known as the Knowlton House and would like to convert the building into office space, classes and some rooms for visiting lecturers.  The property was previously used as a rental for events, such as weddings, etc.  Discussion was held on the intended use of the property and parking.  Concern was expressed about the number of cars that may be parked in the harbor area for the seminars.  It was agreed that the parking design as presented for the Knowlton House previously would be adhered to.  Occupancy is limited to 25 during the week and 75 over the weekend.  Roger Landry expressed concern that the parking will be a problem that he will have to enforce.  Motion was made by Philip Porter and seconded by Derek Tatlock that the site plan be approved subject to occupancy limitations.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

2.  Map 133, Lots 94 & 94-01 – George Neuwirt , River Rd., Site Plan Review:
George Neuwirt was present to explain his proposal.  He has recently purchased the Woodbine Cottage.  He wishes to use the property as his residence and for his business.  He will have a show room set up to display interior rooms.  There will not be many vehicles parked in the yard.  The site plan review changes the use of the property from a one time restaurant to a retail business.  Motion was made by Derek Tatlock to approve the site plan.  The motion was seconded by Bruce Jennings.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


Map 113, Lot 26.  James E. Mullaney, 46 Ridgewood Rd.
John Chiarella was present to represent his son, John Chiarella, Jr.  His son is working on constructing a patio for a client.  The construction will provide for a minimal grade change within 50 feet of Lake Sunapee.  After review of the plan, the Board agreed that it was appropriate.  Motion was made by Bruce Jennings to approve the plan as submitted.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Map 132, Lot 34-1.  New Liden Realty Trust, 477 Route 11
John Chiarella was present to represent Lois Gould.  L. Gould wished to purchase property at 477 Rte. 11 to store boats.  J. Chiarella stated that the property was  previously used to store boats as well as a gaming room. He stated that this is a continued use.  Discussion was held on whether or not the property was used for this purpose.  After much discussion the Board agreed that Lois Gould should appear before the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a use not permitted within the Village District.


1.      Map 103, Lot 04 and 05:  Eric & Maria Rieders, 90 Oak Ridge Rd., Merger:

Motion was made by Derek Tatlock to approve the merger.  The motion was seconded by Bruce Jennings.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.

NOTE:  The above minutes represent a summary not a verbatim transcript of the tape.

NOTE:  Any hearings now open and under consideration by this Board are continued to the next meeting of the Sunapee Planning Board.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved____________________

___________________________                     ____________________________
Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                Allan Davis,